untitled for now.
Why do I keep viewing my unconventionality/authenticity as something that needs to be tamed or changed?
designer clothes.
to be clothed in surrender, adorned by patience, and exuding favor — dang, I look good. I have to do a double-take. These are the true designer pieces.
cremation (ashes).
cremation doesn't mean I’m erasing what I lived but that I’m just choosing to embrace a new life.
unknown heavens.
how long are you gonna hold on to the hells that are hindering you, hurting you, and holding you back?
give God his job back.
There’s no need to try to figure it all out on our own or have all the answers today. Isn’t that what God is for?
pack light.
I am wiser and lighter. I know now that everything I need to carry is already within.
dodged bullets vs. direct experience.
Sometimes we need to collect our own battle scars to serve as souvenirs for the soul.
seeds, success, & self-worth.
does the caterpillar know that it’s signing up to eventually transform into a butterfly?
what a blessing it is to be seen.
thank you for not being blinded by my brightness. thank you, for seeing me.
my shadow is helping me shine.
It feels so much easier to shame the undesirable parts of myself. I want to forget her, erase her, pretend she never existed. But in doing that, I would strip away from the things I love about myself. Because it’s our shadows that make us shine even brighter, ya know?
rushing is just insecurity trying not to get caught.
What I’m realizing is that it takes confidence and getting comfortable (in our skin, in our body, in our decisions, etc.) to go slow. Because rushing is just insecurity trying not to get caught.
creating pockets of joy
Every day isn’t gonna feel like sunshine. And that’s ok (and completely normal). There’s always gonna be SOMETHING. And we can either let it weigh us down (trust me, I be in my feelings for days at a time 🤧 — I’m working on it) or we can actively choose to sprinkle and create pockets of joy in our life.
empty, in the best way.
I’ve allowed myself to be emptied out so that I can have room for more vibrancy, more expansion, something new, something different, something fresh. I consider it a necessary pruning.